The Opus Adaptable Desk is the result of my final year Major Project at University. The desk is designed to be bought for a child when they are a toddler and have the ability to stay with them all the way through to adult hood.
Initial Brief
"Design a piece of furniture that over comes the main reasons for furniture to be thrown away in the UK, looking into what furniture is thrown away most, who is throwing away the most furniture and why the furniture is being thrown away in the first place. The final product should in someway aim to reduce the amount of furniture waste produced in the UK"
The project resulted in the creation of the Opus adaptable desk, a product made to last with a child throughout there time growing up at home.
The product also has various other features such as small holes to allow power wires to pass through, covers to protect users from hurting themselves on the product and various other functional features.
The product has also been built to be simple to assemble and disassemble allowing it to easily be taken from house to house or be stored when not in use.
Opus targets the issue of bulky furniture waste by removing the need for parents to purchase multiple pieces of fixed, low cost furniture for there child whilst they grow up. Providing a single purchase piece which grows up with the child and has the potential to be used again after its first owner/user.
To continue the product I would look into expanding the brand further, making a range of products that follow the same values and ideals of the Opus desk. The wider range would go under the name Harmony, relating to the fact the furniture is in perfect Harmony with the child as they grow. Below are some examples of other pieces that could be made in this range along with the market area the range would be targeted for.